Random Triangles

I've been working on finishing projects this fall. Here's my latest finish. 

Random Triangles.jpg

This quilt was made from solid charm squares. Each square was cut in half on the diagonal and randomly sewn to another triangle. 

random triangles close.jpg

After the half square triangle units were made I arranged them out into rows without looking at the orientation of the seam or color placement. The result is a quilt with unexpected secondary shapes and patterns like the diamond in the lower right of the photo below. 

random triangles - edge.jpg

This shape created by yellow triangles adds interest.

random triangles - yellow.jpg

What about this shape made from this arrangement of dark fabrics below? If I had spent time arranging and moving the squares before sewing them together I likely would have ended up with a less visually interesting quilt.

random triangles - dark.jpg

This is the second quilt I have made using this technique and I am thrilled with both of them. You can see the first of the two quilts here.

The backing is a combination of a vintage batik I got on a trip my family took to Indonesia in 1978 and a red and white gingham. 

random triangles back.jpg

This combination makes me happy. 

random triangles back fabric.jpg

Finished size 43'' by 50''.

random triangles - square.jpg